
SEO Step-One Checkup


SKU: SEO-1 Category: Tags: , ,


This report will tell you:

  • An overall “score” out of 100, a high-level overview of your ecommerce website’s general SEO properties
  • Where your gaps and successes lie
  • Some suggested first steps
  • A list of any sites that link back to yours (ie. a “backlink” report)
  • A general “health check” on your website, including how quickly it loads, images, etc.
  • See where you rank in web searches with your preferred keywords
  • Identify any major problems that should be addressed right away

We can provide all of the recommended fixes, upgrades, and improvements from the report, which is offered in our Technical SEO Startup product. If you commit to a monthly SEO plan within 45 days of this One-Step Checkup, your entire price of this Checkup will be credited back to your account. Some restrictions apply. (Please see below.)

Who is this report designed to help?

If you’ve been in business for a couple of years, and have the infrastructure to handle an increase in sales, or if you’re seeking investors or considering the sale of your business, this is an excellent first step. There’s nothing like knowing how your site really looks to search engines, and this will tell you how you rank to the algorithm that decides whether to show your website in search results… or not. (Think of it like hiring a home inspector before you buy the house.) This One-Step Checkup is not meant to be in-depth, but we do offer that in our Technical SEO Startup product.

This report will help you know what you need to do in order to:

  • Establish credibility in a market you know and can prove your expertise
  • Raise the profile of your existing ecommerce business that has been working for 1-3 years
  • Do more of your most profitable type of business, or serve more of your most profitable clientele type
  • Increase foot traffic to a location-based business or real-world store, or if you are attached to a particular venue in a populated area

What Should I do with the results and information?

Most reports will suggest changes that include manipulation of your existing content on the website, as well as recommended changes to image type or size, changing your sitemap, increasing content, and so on. We suggest that at least some of this should be done professionally. This is because while you know your business better than anyone, it’s easy to forget that you’re writing this for those who do not know your business at all. We know: it’s tough to be objective. But objectivity is exactly what makes great SEO. A professional SEO content creator and technician will always be the most objective and therefore the most qualified to create content about you and your business. It’s also much easier to sustain if this is done professionally, by someone who knows all the insider techniques.

DON’T order this report if:

  • You want immediate sales and results. SEO is a “long game”, and takes time, consistency, and patience to build. If you want immediate sales and results, ie. cash flow, we suggest you talk to us about help with your PPC (pay-per-click) ads on Meta and Google. The SEO work you do today bring you traffic in the months and years to come, but it will not happen overnight, nor with just “one fix”. Please expect that this is about changing your ongoing and long-term approach to content creation.
  • You’re trying to use SEO to target a highly-specific type of client. SEO will increase your overall visibility, and traffic, yes. But it won’t allow you to hyper-target people of a certain gender, age range, and income level who are interested in your extremely niched product or service. Even if you created quality content over a long period of time that used rigid and strict keywords pertinent to any specific market, you risk over-narrowing your niche so much that you miss real prospective clients. It’s a better philosophy to use SEO to bring the people with interest in the right areas, and then use sales prospecting, funnels, or product descriptions to filter them into viable clients.
  • You’re trying to change what your business is doing. If you’ve been a wildlife or landscape photographer for many years, and now want to target family and wedding photography, it’s going to be difficult to convince a search engine that you have significant expertise in an area that is so new for you. Search engines like long and strong track records, and SEO is not meant to get your first crack at a new business or market. Instead, think of the SEO work that you do today as laying the groundwork for the solid future of this new market, and to help your paid advertising and other marketing efforts.

About that promised account credit:

  • A monthly service plan must be ordered within 45 days of the delivery of your One-Step Checkup results report.
  • The credit will be initiated by our bookkeeping department and may take up to 21 days to appear on your WPDoneRight account.
  • Only the actual original purchase price is eligible for the credit; if a discount was applied, only the amount actually paid will be credited back to the same account from which it was paid. Credits are not transferrable.
  • Credits may only be applied to the purchase of a monthly SEO plan, not to any other type of product.
  • Please feel free to reach out with any other questions.

Need an analysis on more than one website? No problem – please complete a separate transaction for each website, so that we can accurately collect the data we need to do a complete analysis.