Welcome! Let’s start doing it right!

This form gives us everything we need to start working on your website. It should take you about 20 minutes to fill out on a computer, and longer from your smartphone or tablet.

Need to stop and come back later to finish? No problem! Just click “Save & Continue” at the bottom of this form. Nothing will be lost, and you can return to where you left off.

First, please tell us about yourself.

(A copy of the data you enter into this form will also be sent to this email address.)
For example, if you sell designer dog leashes, if you are a corporate training organization, if you are a travel photographer, etc. Feel free to use shorthand or bullets, or to add links.

Please tell us about your website.

For security reasons, you will be contacted separately about your username and password to log in to your website.

Next, please tell us about your company branding.

Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 4 files.
This is preferred in a file format that ends in ".ai" or ".eps", but any format you have is great for now.
Drop your file here or click here to upload You can upload up to 3 files.
This might be an MS Word doc, a PDF, or other written or graphic document.

If you have a link to an online style guide, please place the link to that document in the field below, along with any other written content you may wish to write there.
This could be adjectives like "professional", "fun", "playful", "colourful", "exciting", "minimalist", or "sleek". You could also tell us why or how you arrived at this desired aesthetic.
Hex code (eg #B9E1E4) or Pantone colours, RGB or CMYK codes can all by typed in this field. If you don't know the codes, please tell us general descriptions of the colours, and if there is an example online, please send us the link.
For example, if you have hired a graphic designer to create this for you, how long ago that took place, if you have made any revisions, or if you use different branding in different aspects of your business.
This might include the results of split-testing, an independent analysis, your analytics demographic data, or any other data about your ideal client that you may have. (If you don't have this, that's OK. Just let us know that here.)
This might include style, layout, graphic elements, navigation, particular photos or colours, or anything else that you want to mention. If this other website is a competitor or in your same niche, please tell us.
Comments that give us greater context are appreciated.

Please tell us about your goals for this project.

This does not need to be exhaustive. We will discuss more with you prior to launching the project.

Clicking "Submit" will submit the content of this form, and move you forward to your digital "click to sign" contract.

Even if you are not yet ready to sign your contract, or if that must be completed by another person in your organization, please click "Submit" below to send us the above information. The contract link can be re-sent on request.

Don't worry: information that you have added or entered above can always be changed later, if needed.