Thanks for submitting your request for your FREE Meta Ads Audit!
Please check your email for a confirmation, sent to the email address you entered in the form on the previous page.
You’re almost done!
In order to perform your audit, we need permission to view your Meta ads account. Use the link below to login to Meta, and grant us view-only access. This permission can be revoked at any time.
Please note that the request is from our parent company, HotShot Management Inc.
This permission doesn’t allow us to change your account, just view your ads history, including your ads spend, what your ads looked like, and how well they performed. Your data is kept confidential, and is only used for the purposes of this free audit.
Or, would you prefer to chat first?
Once you have granted us view permission, your audit will be delivered to you within 3 business days. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to us via email, at:

Need a more in-depth and custom look at your ads?
We also offer a 50-minute digital ads discovery call for $99 Canadian*.
(*If you are in the USA, your charge will be automatically converted to Canadian dollars by your bank or credit card company. Current exchange rates are very favourable to Americans, with each USD equaling at least $1.30 CAD.)